$88.00 AUD

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Sleep | Light Reset

This is a powerful 4 week coaching group that will TANGIBLY DEMONSTRATE the dramatic health improvements which accompany the switch to an ancestral light 'diet' - and set you on a trajectory for robust Winter wellness! 

What you'll get, inside:

  • A 4 week smorgasbord of uplifting, inspirational ideas and practical tools, delivered within a closed Facebook group. 
  • Digestible content. All videos will be short and sweet (around the 5-7 minute mark), so they can be easily slotted in to your day.
  • Guided RESET challenge so you can experience the benefits of going 'ALL IN' over a 3/5/7 day period. 
  • Coaching and Q&A within our closed Facebook group (you can access this for 1 WHOLE YEAR)!
  • LIVE Q&A call with Marco to have your burning questions answered!
  • BONUS MODULE: 'Ambient Nights' videos and e-book.
  • Camaraderie, accountability and infectious enthusiasm from the group as we share our shifts and revelations along the way.