Bulletproof Kids
Cultivating Winter wellness!
4 week online course
Ready for robust health?
If you're yearning to step off the merry-go-round of lingering illness through the colder months, it's time to rekindle the age-old traditional practices which have fallen by the wayside.
Setting your family on a trajectory towards peaceful and prosperous Winters every year, can start now.
Join our community and let's learn these empowering life skills together!
We start June 11th.
This is for you, if you're..
- Craving JOYFUL Winters, featuring soaring energy levels, cheerful mood and toasty hands and feet - without any aversion to the cold or dark. (This IS possible!)
- Open to learning how the outdated germ-based model leads to ineffective action and poorer health outcomes during the cooler months and where to place your focus instead.
- Ready to adopt time-tested methods of cultivating robust health in Winter and traditional ways to support your family in times of healing.
- Yearning to create a thriving family culture of health, resulting in physical and mental resilience, ALL year round.
- Excited for your children to take these quintessential life skills into adulthood by learning them by osmosis.
This experience will support you to:
- Get organised, with pre-Winter checklists and supply tips. (Some of our favourite remedies sold out last year!)
- Stock your culinary medicine cabinets (read: fridge and pantry), with effective functional foods. What to buy, swap, forage and prep at the beginning of Winter - and how to store it.
- Enhance your family's health with ease by learning simple and powerful cleansing practices, prioritised by all traditional cultures.
- Build your bodies' nutrient stores, by including specific medicinal foods in early Winter. This means making the most of EVERY meal (especially breakfast). I'll give you all my favourite serving suggestions so that they're gleefully devoured by your family.
- Integrate a range of traditional lifestyle practices before the cold weather sets in and stay devoted to them when it does. And YES, there will be passionate coaching around gentle cold exposure (as well as some important caveats for women). If you're not ready for cold showers - there are effective alternatives!
- Be amazed by what your kids are capable of with my approach to inspiring them to do 'hard things' (nasal rinsing, taking bitter herbs, cold showers etc). We've had so many rave reviews about this!
- Learn clever ways to prep your home AHEAD of Winter to support better health in the cooler months - did you know our homes have their own microbiome? And when overlooked, they can be a contributor to recurrent coughs and colds?
- Discover a simple change you can make in your home which will radically transform sleep quality for the whole family (including your pets!) within 1-2 days.
- Learn the critical importance of functional breathing and keeping the nasal passages clear. This should be a BIG focus for anyone with young children, but is important knowledge for everyone.
You'll also learn:
- My favourite remedies for colds, flu and ear pain as well as traditional tonics to support the lungs, detox pathways and circulation through the colder months.
- How EASY it is to whip up your own medicinal syrups, fire ciders and herbal vinegars with ingredients you already have at home. Just imagine your kids following our beautiful videos and simple recipes to make their OWN delicious tonics this Winter!
- The most potent food-based supplements to invest in (and where to source them), and the powerful culinary alternatives which you might already have in your cupboard or garden!
- What to do AFTER symptoms resolve. The crucial steps to take in the aftermath of illness to restore a state of vibrant health.
We start June 11th. Enrol Now.
These valuable life skills were widespread only a couple of generations ago. Come and rekindle them so that YOUR kids don't have to!
Meet our guest experts
These wise women share their top tips from their respective zones of genius.
Dr Vijaya Molloy
Functional Dentist, Mind Body Mouth host
Kate Holm
Naturopath & Nutritionist
@ Boob To Food
Jodi Donovan
Building Biologist, All Aspects
Becky Williams
Naturopath & Herbalist Holistic Traditions
Jane Jenkinson
Fermenting Queen Wholefood Family
Love from last year
'Ferment your own medicine'
New to fermenting?
Already schooled but lost your mojo?
Need some new ideas?
This system has become so central to my kitchen routine that it's the only way I ferment these days.
I have pickles on tap, spending only 10 minutes, every few weeks! (No shredding, grating or mess.)
It's easy, it's autopilot (no need for recipes), but when I feel like being creative - I can toss in some fancy ingredients and take it up a notch!
When we ferment fresh produce (especially medicinal foods like ginger, garlic, onion and turmeric), we increase the bioavailability of the phytochemicals that work synergistically to support the body's systems.
It's mouth-watering medicine. An easy lunchbox filler, which my kids devour daily. And the resulting 'pickle juice' is teeming with nutrients, enzymes and electrolytes, which makes it a gut-loving digestive tonic AND the perfect hydrating tool for during or after illness.
Every home needs a system like this through Winter!
BASIC membership includes:
- 4 weeks of inspiring videos, ideas and practical tools from me and our guest experts in an online course format - with coaching and Q&A inside our closed Facebook group.
- Short checklists and guidance around the MOST powerful strategies, to reduce your mental load.
- Beautiful e-books with easy cheat-sheets to stick on your fridge, plus shopping lists and brand recommendations.
- Camaraderie, accountability and infectious enthusiasm for ticking off those simple little (sometimes nagging) tasks which make a huge difference to your Winter experience!
- 3 months access to the course content and Facebook Group.
Platinum membership includes:
- Everything in the BASIC membership
- 'Ferment your own medicine' workshop videos and e-book.
- Bonus content and additional interviews with our guest experts
- LIFETIME access to the course content and ongoing access to our Facebook Group.
We start June 11th. Enrol Now!
This has been one of my most popular courses over the past few years and this is the VERY LAST TIME I will be running it live.
If you're ready to build a family culture of physical and mental resilience (because both are ESSENTIAL components of robust health)...
JOIN OUR COMMUNITY and see why we've had such rave reviews for this life-changing course!