Inspiring fresh new habits

Ready to refill your cup?

Spring is an important time of year to restore vitality and coax our bodies back into balance after Winter.

If you've moved beyond 'quick fix’ culture and still have a desire to look good and feel fabulous coming into the warmer months (and the later seasons of life)...

This 4-week coaching group is a fascinating collection of traditional practices, nourishing self-love rituals and cutting edge holistic beauty and health ideas, specifically curated for women who are disenchanted with the mainstream. 

This experience will give you:  

  • That necessary surge of energy and inspiration to help you recalibrate as we head into Spring. It's time to refocus on YOU (and your beautiful temple!)

  • A crystal clear vision of how you want to FEEL in your body this Summer and what underlying desires might be bubbling beneath the surface.

  • All my FAVOURITE practices for this important time of year. Lots of them! Cleansing, lymphatic and hydration practices; skin and beauty rituals; nervous system and mindset practices; pleasure and PLAY practices! 

  • Tools to radically uplevel your current habits with EASE. This is an area of mastery for me. We start with ONE minute per day in each area and create a SMORGASBORD of deeply nourishing practices which you can cycle through.

    (This method was born out of a desire to keep up with ALL my favourite health / beauty practices in the early days of motherhood, when time genuinely didn't permit!)

  • My guide to walking the line between being gentle with yourself (prioritising rest etc) without falling prey to disempowering stories which keep you trapped in a cycle of mediocre habits! 

I'll be sharing:

  • All my favourite hydration practices (which have more to do with lifestyle than how much water you drink). 

  • My simple, inexpensive (and delicious) ways to 'structure' your water throughout the warmer months for next-level hydration (you know it works when fine lines disappear after several days)! 

  • A video demonstration of the two Hydrogen / Brown's Gas machines I have been trialling for the past year. (The first time I have shared this publicly!) 

  • My favourite lymph circulation booster: an energising 30 second reset, which you can do anywhere. (I *may* even demonstrate my most hilarious hack: doing it en route to the bathroom from my desk to punctuate my work day!)

  • The brilliant new system our family has implemented for all our health rhythms. It's been game-changing for my kids' motivation and focus. (And mine!)

  • How I ditched the ineffective (and very draining) masculine virtue of discipline in favour of a more  DEVOTIONAL approach to health - and why it is absolutely game-changing for women.

  • My latest musings on the connection between re-wilding, health empowerment and freedom; the relationship between pleasure and youthful skin (and joints/body/mind); the link between sensitivity and function in the body; and why we need to invert much of the current health advice if we desire vibrant health into our later years. 

    And SO much more (as always)!


Love from last year's group...

Why a coaching group?

What I've learned is that intention-fuelled group energy is a tangible force for good.

We don't need more information - we need LESS input and more inspiration. Because integration is where the rubber hits the road.

Women need a village (because MIRROR NEURONS). When we intentionally commune, the ripple effect is powerful and transformative. The cup-filling, unparalleled!

And if there's one thing we need to consciously prioritise as we head towards this beautiful, POTENT time of year (setting the trajectory for how we want to feel through Summer), it's refilling our own cups.

About me

I'm a culinary-trained nutritionist and wellness columnist and this is the first coaching container to merge all my greatest passions, which have also seen me working as a beauty therapist for celebrity clientele.

If I reduce my various lifelong obsessions (food, nutrition, biohacking, beauty therapy, nervous system health) down to a single overarching theme, it appears I've been on a quest to discover the easiest, most effective and accessible ways to look and feel good.

My unique expertise now revolves around the inextricable link between vibrant HEALTH and radiant BEAUTY.

Ultimately, radiance refers to surplus ENERGY. My passion is inspiring you to cultivate your own, as you rekindle a lust for life which you may have lost touch with.

Meet our guest contributors

These wise women will be offering a posy of hand-picked ideas from their respective gardens. Precious gems of wisdom, distilled into useful medicine, especially for us.

Sara Wells

Founder, Kondou

Sara shares her extensive knowledge around how to cultivate glowing skin, exploring the relationship between fascia and emotional release for a radiant facial expression and self-massage techniques to stimulate lymph flow. 

Zoe Boyce

Naturopath & ERT practitioner

Zoe will be sharing her wisdom around the nervous system and why it can be an underlying contributor to patterns of self-sabotage when it comes to maintaining healthy habits. She will share simple, practical tools to work with our body rather than over-riding it. 

Fleur Myers

@Fleur Myers

Fleur brings her gorgeous, uplifting energy to the space, enlightening us around how we can increase our receptivity to everything life has to offer, by expanding our awareness (via our senses) and prioritising more pleasure and play within our daily life.  

*BONUS: Succulent skin

For PLATINUM members, I will be sharing my favourite skin and beauty practices, which have been refined over many years since my time in the industry.

This includes:

  • My daily / weekly / monthly habits and routines, including the exact products I use and where I source them.

  • Which 5 key nutrients (deficient in most people's diets) are essential for youthful skin - and easy ways to ensure you're getting enough via food sources.

  • My favourite easy rituals for improving facial structure, skin tone and circulation, including hilarious (but important!) exercises I do whenever I'm driving.

    These routines are 100% mum-friendly. I'll show you clever ways to slot them into your day so that they don't feel like an extra chore. (There's even one which dissolves deep lines while you sleep!)

  • The modern lifestyle habits which dehydrate our tissues and the many FUN ways we can rehydrate (without drinking more water)! These lifestyle practices have become my central focus in maintaining all aspects of health (but especially skin) as I get older.

What you'll get, inside:

  • A 4 week smorgasbord of inspiring ideas and practical tools, delivered within a closed Facebook group, along with LIVE coaching and Q&A. 

  • 3 brilliant guest presenters and a gorgeous group of switched-on women to journey with. 

  • Digestible content! All videos will be short and sweet (around the 10 minute mark), so they can be easily slotted in to your day.

  • Camaraderie, accountability and infectious enthusiasm from the group as we share our shifts and revelations along the way.

  • PLATINUM BONUS: 'Succulent skin' e-book and ongoing access to the Facebook group.