Discover the forgotten blueprint for healthy children

6:30pm Monday April 10 | Wyoming


Are you nourishing or merely feeding your child?

This eye-opening talk will help you rediscover the forgotten blueprint for thriving children according to the ground-breaking research of Dr Weston A Price.

Dr Price was a pioneering Dentist who studied the diets of traditional cultures all over the world, to determine what we should be eating for robust physical and mental health.
(Hint: we are WAY off track!)

Join us as we explore:

  • How traditional peoples were able to survive and thrive in perfect health without incidence of disease, generation after generation.
  • Why these people invariably had perfect facial structure, with high cheekbones, broad smiles and wide jaws with no crooked teeth or over-crowding.
  • Why they were virtually free from poor eyesight and tooth decay (despite never brushing their teeth).
  • The 11 dietary principles common to all traditional peoples regardless of whether they lived in the arctic or on the equator. (None of which are widely practiced today or recommended by our health experts!)
  • How their robust health diminished once Western foods were introduced and the dramatic health impacts on those children born to parents who'd adopted a more Westernised diet.
  • How to nourish rather than merely feed your child, by understanding which nutrients are missing from our modern diet and easy ways to include them.


About Georgia

I'm a clinically trained Nutritionist, wholefoods chef and columnist with a knack for distilling the complex and often confusing field of nutrition into refreshingly simple, common sense ideas. 

I've also been a sleep guidance facilitator, assisting many hundreds of families in the areas of sleep, diet and behaviour.

Most importantly, I'm a Mum of two, so I understand the juggle and struggle that is (successfully) feeding young children nutrient dense foods! Rest assured, I'm always brimming with practical ideas and easy hacks to help you spend a little less time in the kitchen and more time..  well, ticking off all your other chores! 

Brendan Cook

Riveting talk. It's hard to wrap your head around how far removed we've become from such timeless wisdom.

Lauren Wills

Such important information. This should be taught in all schools!

Sarah Hay

This talk put so much into perspective for me, most especially why my European relatives seem to have such a strong constitution when compared with our Australian family. No doubt it comes down to closer ties with a more traditional diet.

Thriving Kids

Tickets - $35


Note: this is an updated version of my 'Principles of Traditional Diets' talk.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]