Your guide to detox baths
As part of our Spring Cleansing and Self Care theme, we’ve been focusing on the benefits of detoxification.
This week we’re honing-in on one of my favourite strategies: detox baths. They might win the title of laziest health protocol in existence, but don’t worry. I’m here to share the convenient news that despite being inexpensive and relaxing, baths are an exceptionally effective tool when it comes to lightening the body’s toxic load.
Let’s be honest, the benefits of self-care and slowing down are often underrated in modern life, however many traditional cultures valued therapeutic baths for detoxification and health promotion. In fact, sauna and bath houses are still a widespread phenomenon in many parts of Europe & Asia.
I hinted last week about my reservations towards harsh detox protocols as they can result in depletion. The risk for ‘toxic’ folk (and that’s most of us) is that...